Good SHoW-1

Ladies, gentlemen and boys!

Good evening. This is going to be a special mail for the reason that it intends to revive the vintage fun times of our BC days. The then HOW (Hero Of the Week) was to identify and honor the heroes in BC every week. As we have become super heroes now (anybody who leaves BC becomes super hero the very next day of his relieving), I would like to re-christen the next version (2.0) of HOW as SHoW (Super Hero of the Week) with the permission of our honorable members. This is to bring a lot more new energy to the program and to remind all of us that we can't do away with version upgrades as we are destined to be in the ever-changing e-industry. It also means that SHoW is given to those who have made a good SHOW (SHOW: synonymous with performance). So when you wish the SHoW, you have to say "Good SHoW"!

Then our erstwhile unregistered organization that used to announce HOWs every week which was called SLOT (Singasandra Local Oscar Team) is now to be called e-BOG (ex BCians Oscar Group). This also means that it is to e-bog (electronic bog down - BOG DOWN: synonymous with overload/overwhelm) everybody's mailboxes every week.

Disclaimer: Heroes are to be read as Heroines and Hes to be as Shes as well wherever applicable.

Now coming to this week's SHoW -

As per everybody's nomination and wish...

It gives me immense pleasure to crown the first SHoW - Mr. Raghuraman Kadambi and on behalf of the group I would also like to honor him with the new name Mr. Heartthrob.

If you are thinking he has been selected just for the fact that he revived the HOW days, you are wrong - 90%, because you are right only 10%. There are 9 other reasons why he is the SHoW:

1. For his spectacular marketing tips to BC management when he was with BC. For example - "body shopping our boys to planets like Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn" or "checking if Mfg/Pro or Syteline could be sold to the people living there". He even did a PoC (proof of concept) sitting with us ("us" means the "marketing team" here (:-)), are you wondering how I am included in that? We will discuss about it in the next meeting of ours) and submitted to the management and got a hike also for that. I see some people coming to the edge of the chair when I say "hike".
2. For his sweet "jotheyalli" song in the 2001 New Year party which turned his life in BC 180 degree and made him the heartthrob of BC girls (mind you, I am not saying "all girls"). This is the only reason I respect him even today. How does that come so easily for some guys, when it's not at all possible for many of us? After that song, he was always "jotheyalli", not with me, but with _____ (fill in the blanks as you wish. I can assure you whatever you type will be correct.).
3. For his over night stay with me on 14th February 2001 (Valentines Day). The transcript of our discussion is pending with the censor committee. Moreover, it's defined as private data type, hence not to be shared with public. Might be, I can evaluate discussing about it in the next meet with the concerned parties' (note -it's "parties", not "party") consent.
4. For his superb dance with Gopal on one of the night outs. The song is a Tamil item number - "Kattipudi Kattipudi da". Now you can imagine what a great SHoW (:-)) it would have been at that time in the mid night.
5. For his excellent performance in his new company as well. FYI - he was awarded the "best employee of the quarter" in his new company.
6. For his multi-lingual brilliance (the languages he knows are English, Hindi, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, some vernacular ones of North India and of course Malayalam (:-)). I request the Kerala regiment to kindly bear with me though we all know how much of Malayalam he knows. Now the head should be Binoy, I think!)
7. For being a balanced Libran (like me). Librans are supposed to be the most attractive and charismatic ones among all the sun signs. I am still confused as to how I was born in that period too.
8. For inventing a new mantra called 'Oh hung anthiya... math hung anthiya...' for 'free time' prayers. We used to chant this for 8 hours a day when we were in BC. He will send us the full text after officially getting crowned.
9. Last but not the least - for his ability to laugh at all times and for even the poorest jokes. There are times when you tend to lose your sense of humor just because of the people around you. But this man will encourage you to be as humorous as you could by his laughter and believe me that will motivate you to speak and do all non-sense that you could to make others laugh. Would also like to recommend him for Guinness records in the league of non-stop laughter.

Good SHoW!!!

Please crash the desktops and heads of our people by bogging down the mailboxes with your "Good SHoW" mails.

With warm, hot and cool regards,
e-BOG (ex BCians Oscar Group)


Today's Astrocenter predictions for both of us (SHoW and e-BOG President):

Date of Birth: 10/08

Social activities that were once such fun begin to feel a lot like chores. The whole "social game" now strikes you as ridiculous, and one that you'd rather not play. That's because the way you relate to other people is in the process of changing. The mask you have worn all these years no longer fits. It is time to find a new one, or see what it feels like to wear none at all...


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