Dream Psychology - Sigmund Freud

Just finished Freud's "Dream Psychology"...

The summary of the book is:
1. It's not for easy reading. The subject is an interesting one but it can be dry and boring if we are not in the right frame of mind to read it.
2. He says that though we have been taught to believe from ancient times that dreams tell us something about future as well, the fact is it's only about our past and how we have processed them on the day before. He doesn't rule out seeing future through dreams but advocates that it's still a result of processing of the past events.
3. Dream is just a wish fulfillment process. What we were not able to get fulfilled will come as dream in a distorted format to make us feel fulfilled. There are many wishes that our unconscious has but the fore-conscious suppresses them due to the societal conditioning, as a result of which they come out in dreams.
4. He is 'the' first one or one of the first few to talk about multiple layers of consciousness. He talks about two systems, fore-conscious and unconscious, in this book extensively. The dreams are what get transferred from fore-conscious to unconscious.
5. Dreams don't disturb sleep. They protect us from getting disturbed while asleep.
6. Mankind in general and the individuals in specific have symbols assigned to events. For example, if we were thinking about death the previous evening, it doesn't necessarily come as death itself in the dream. It may come as a symbol that we have assigned to death.
7. A dream can neither be ruled out as purely physical nor mental. It's a combination of both. Our sexual desires play a major role in deciding what we dream!
8. He has explained the process flow of how a dream gets triggered, formed and presented from the previous day's thoughts. In essence, he says every dream can be linked to an event or thought that we had the previous day.


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